
English P4 first term 21-22

Dear families, We wanted to share with you what we have been doing in P4 this first term. We start off the classes with "Hello, hello, Can you clap your hands?" by Super Simple Songs. We greet each other and move to the beat of the song and move on to doing our weather manipulative calendar. Our calendar works like this: we have jars where there are pieces of wood with the icons of time and every day a boy or girl looks out the window and puts the corresponding piece in a large glass jar. At the end of the month we count how many pieces of wood there are for each element of the weather and see if it is sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc. In this way we introduce the names in English by making a small statistic of the time of the days we have come to the English classroom. English was a world completely unknown to us, as we hadn't taken English classes before, but we quickly adapted to the new routines. To learn the routines we used the song “The Incy Wincy Spider” as there are dif...

English P5 first term 21-22

Dear families, We wanted to share with you what we have been doing in P5 this first term. We have worked on routines, such as greeting each other, by singing the song “Hello, hello, can you clap your hands?” from Super Simple Songs. We work on our weather calendar by adding a wood piece with the picture of the weather element from that day (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy…). At the end of the month we count how many times it was cloudy, or sunny, etc, focusing on the numbers in English. The first story we worked on was “The Three Little Pigs”: we read it in different formats, with the paper book, through an interactive presentation on the screen, focusing on the vocabulary related to the materials that the characters use along the story. After that, we classified the different images we found on a basket  depending on the material they represented (straw, sticks or bricks). We reinforced our learning with the song “Three Little Pigs” from Debbie and Friends. Finally, we worked in learn...