Aquest any els nens i nenes de quart i cinquè hem treballat junts la celebració anglesa de Bonfire Night. Ens hem organitzat per grups per tal de crear un póster. Cada membre del grup havia de buscar una part de la informació juntament amb els altres nens que tenien la mateixa tasca.
I aquest és el resultat.
The children also learnt the Bonfire Night chant. Listen to them.
Ok, boys and girls, time to work now! What do you know about Bonfire Night? Tell us what you know about Bonfire Night and which is your favourite food eaten that night. Write a comment!!
Examples: Bonfire Night is celebrated on... Children do.... Families buy.... That night they,.. They eat....
I aquest és el resultat.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
We see no reason
why gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot!
Ok, boys and girls, time to work now! What do you know about Bonfire Night? Tell us what you know about Bonfire Night and which is your favourite food eaten that night. Write a comment!!
Examples: Bonfire Night is celebrated on... Children do.... Families buy.... That night they,.. They eat....
That night they throw firecrackers.
Laura 5é ♥♥♥
But the bonfire night they celebrate on 5th of november.
On that nighta they also strow firecrackers.